The Reason We Have for Every Season
A Healing Place for Hurting Hearts
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Can you Help take the

“Sonlight Chapel School 2023 Project in UGANDA.

Train up a child in the ways of the Lord, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 This is Sonlight Primary School nearing completion which we visited in February! ( below)

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Please keep these children in UGANDA & INDIA in prayer as the Gospel of Jesus Christ goes forth and God’s work continues. Because of your donations , larger Dorms and Classrooms are being constructed as well as more BIBLES are going to India and Uganda when you are able to help with CONTRIBUTIONS!
Below is a new Chuch being built in INDIA supported by SONLIGHT CHAPEL Missions.
The vision of Sonlight Missions is to help Foreign Countries by equipping people to build schools and orphanages so that God’s people will understand true charity and will not perish for lack of knowledge. Please pray with us as we gather to facilitate this ministry to glorify our Father in heaven.

If the Holy Spirit has moved you to to help with these important Great Commission Projects, make checks payable to “Sonlight Chapel.” We are a 501-C3 entity. God Bless you for your part in blessing these missions! PO BOX 1330, CenterPoint, TX 78010 – Phone: (830) 739-8880 – EIN: 74-2772139
